The English in the West Indies; Or, The Bow of Ulysses

James Anthony Froude

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Beschreibung zu „The English in the West Indies; Or, The Bow of Ulysses“

In 'The English in the West Indies; Or, The Bow of Ulysses', James Anthony Froude takes readers on a tour of the West Indies during the late Victorian era, showcasing the Empire in various forms of degradation. Froude argues that self-governance is not suitable for the West Indies, believing it is the Empire's responsibility to govern them well. Froude's book is a mixture of travelog and discussion of the Empire's issues and potential solutions, including the effects of sugar bounties and slavery. Although Froude's views may be controversial to modern readers, his book provides valuable insights into the West Indies during the Empire's heyday.


Good Press




ca. 360





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