Nestleton Magna

A Story of Yorkshire Methodism

J. Jackson Wray

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Beschreibung zu „Nestleton Magna“

"Nestleton Magna" by J. Jackson Wray is a story set in the village of Methodism. The author has sought to present a faithful picture of the village. The book reveals an intimate knowledge of Methodist rural life and the inner life of the people.
"NESTLETON MAGNA is as "canny" a little village as can be found in any portion of the Three Kingdoms; and that is saying a good deal, for there are rural gems within British borders that are quite unequalled for cosiness and beauty by anything you can find within the four quarters of the globe, even if you take "all the isles of the ocean" into the bargain. Situated in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and nestling like a brooding bird in the fertile valley of Waverdale, at the foot of the Yorkshire Wolds, it possesses rare and quiet charms, which elicit the spontaneous admiration of those not numerous tourists, who prefer to explore the rich resources of English inland scenery, rather than fag through the hurry-skurry and unsatisfactory whirl of Continental travel."


Good Press




ca. 274





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