Mrs. Fitz

J. C. Snaith

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Beschreibung zu „Mrs. Fitz“

Mrs. Fitz is an absorbing story set in an imaginary place of high romance by J.C. Snaith. He was the writer of many sentimental romances, and Mrs. Fitz was one of his most beloved ones. It's a must-read tale brimming with unique characters and a captivating storyline.
Excerpt from "Mrs. Fitz"
"Joseph Jocelyn De Vere Vane-Anstruther was in rather smart kit. It was December the First, and the hounds—there is only one pack in the United Kingdom—were about to pay an annual visit to the country of a neighbour. With conscious magnificence my relation by marriage took a bee-line to the sideboard. He paused a moment to debate to which of two imperative duties he should give the precedence: i.e. to make his daily report upon the personal appearance of his host, or to find out what there was to eat."


Good Press




ca. 265





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