Half Brothers

Hesba Stretton

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Beschreibung zu „Half Brothers“

'Half Brothers' by Hesba Stretton is a novel that begins by telling the story of a woman waiting for her husband's return as she prepares to give birth to their child in a strange place. She regrets leaving her family without considering the pain it would cause them and wishes for her aunt's presence if Sidney does not come back. The room she is in is large, dark, and cannot be locked, adding to her unease. The couple got married secretly and fled England under different names due to the fear of disapproval from Sidney's wealthy uncle.

Über Hesba Stretton

Hesba Stretton (1832-1911) was the pen name of an English gentlewoman named Sarah Smith. She became a contributor to All Year Round when her sister, without Sarah’s knowledge, submitted a piece that Dickens accepted for publication. She is most well known for having written a book in 1866 called Jessica’s First Prayer, which had sold by the end of the 19th century over a million and a half copies! She died in 1911.


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