Oriental Philosophy - I am It.

How could a perfect God have been dreaming? He never dreamed.

Heinz Duthel


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Beschreibung zu „Oriental Philosophy - I am It.“

"I never had fear nor doubt. Death never came to me. I never had father or mother: for I was never born. Where are my foes? — for I am All. I am the Existence and Knowledge and Bliss Absolute. I am It. When a man has attained his own freedom, how can he be bound by any law? No law in this universe can bind him, for this universe itself is his. He is the whole universe. Be free; hope for nothing from anyone. I am sure if you look back upon your lives you will find that you were always vainly trying to get help from others which never came. All the help that has come was from within yourselves.

Über Heinz Duthel

Heinz Duthel, Oberst a.D.
Fremdenlegionair - Konsul H.c. er Volkrepublik Angola in Colmar, France
ex -Finanzberater des Praesidenten der Seychellen, Rene Albert
Soldat und Soeldner von 1966 bis 2009
Weiter Publikationen: Söldner gesetzlos und gefürchtet: Die Hunde des Krieges, ISBN 978-3732230006


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