The Girls of Friendly Terrace or: Peggy Raymond's Success

Harriet Lummis Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Girls of Friendly Terrace or: Peggy Raymond's Success“

"The Girls of Friendly Terrace or: Peggy Raymond's Success" is a heart-warming tale of friendship between the dwellers of an American suburban. The naming of Friendly Terrace was a happy accident. It must have been an accident, for Jenkins Avenue crossed it at right angles, and just to the north ran Sixtieth Street. No one could have guessed when the Terrace was laid out that the name would prove so appropriate, and that the comfortable cottages would have such a cordial, neighborly look, as if nodding greetings to one another across their neat strips of lawn. Peggy Raymond's friends are excited about her return to the neighborhood after a visit to her ailing sister. But now that she is back, she looks forward to enjoying the old warm friendships and even making new ones, for she has learnt that there is a new family next door. But her first visit to her new neighbor doesn't go as planned, bringing questions in the mind about them…


Good Press




ca. 178





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