History of the Opera from its Origin in Italy to the present Time

With Anecdotes of the Most Celebrated Composers and Vocalists of Europe

H. Sutherland Edwards

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Beschreibung zu „History of the Opera from its Origin in Italy to the present Time“

History of the Opera From its Origin in Italy to the Present Time by H. Sutherland Edwards is about the history of opera in Europe as well as the reputations of famous composers including Handel, Gluck, and Rousseau. Excerpt: "CHAPTER I. PAGE Preface, Prelude, Prologue, Introduction, Overture, &c.—The Origin of the Opera in Italy, and its introduction into Germany.—Its History in Europe; Division of the subject 1 CHAPTER II. Introduction of the Opera into France and England 12 CHAPTER III. On the Nature of the Opera, and its Merits as compared with other forms of the Drama 36 CHAPTER IV. Introduction and progress of the Ballet 70 CHAPTER V. Introduction of the Italian Opera into England 104 CHAPTER VI. The Italian Opera under Handel 140 CHAPTER VII. General view of the Opera in Europe in the Eighteenth Century, until the appearance of Gluck."


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