She (Serapis Classics)

Henry Rider Haggard

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Beschreibung zu „She (Serapis Classics)“

A young Cambridge University professor, Horace Holly, is visited by a colleague, Vincey, who reveals that he will soon die. Vincey proceeds to tell Holly a fantastical tale of his family heritage. He charges Holly with the task of raising his young son, Leo (whom he has never seen) and gives Holly a locked iron box, with instructions that it is not to be opened until Leo turns 25. Holly agrees, and indeed Vincey is found dead the next day. Holly raises the boy as his own; when the box is opened on Leo's 25th birthday they discover the ancient and mysterious "Sherd of Amenartas", which seems to corroborate Leo's father's story. Holly, Leo and their servant, Job, follow instructions on the Sherd and travel to eastern Africa but are shipwrecked. They alone survive, together with their Arab captain, Mahomed; after a perilous journey into an uncharted region of the African interior, they are captured by the savage Amahagger people. The adventurers learn that the natives are ruled by a fearsome white queen, who is worshipped as Hiya or "She-who-must-be-obeyed". The Amahagger are curious about the white-skinned interlopers, having been warned of their coming by the mysterious queen...

Über Henry Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard (1856 – 1925) trat 1875 in den britischen Kolonialdienst in Südafrika. Dort machte er sich mit der Zulu-Kultur vertraut und hatte eine Affäre mit einer afrikanischen Frau, – eine tiefe Beziehung, die seine Darstellung von Frauen beeinflusste und später psychoanalytische Interpretationen seiner Romane nach sich zog. 1881 kehrte Haggard nach England zurück, wo er seine juristischen Examina ablegte und weiter für die Regierung tätig war. Seinen Lebensunterhalt aber verdiente er vor allem als produktiver und erfolgreicher Schriftsteller, dessen Abenteuerromane durch seinen Aufenthalt in Afrika sowie sein Interesse an antiken Kulturen und an allem Okkulten nachhaltig geprägt worden sind.


Serapis Classics




ca. 335





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