The King Who was a King. The Book of a Film

H. G. Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The King Who was a King. The Book of a Film“

"The King Who was a King. The Book of a Film" is a film scenario and script authored by the renowned H.G. Wells. Wells pays tribute to the rapidly evolving world of film, starting with a brief history of the art and noting a few of the celebrated films of his day. His own version of an ideal film would be that on the exploits of a King. As he muses on the idea, "Manifestly this highly generalized man, our hero, must be a good-looking, able-bodied, thoughtful person, not so much the average man as the quintessential man. His individuality must lie in his ready understanding and his abnormal steadfastness of will. Impossible here to give him "character" as it is commonly understood, oddity or idiosyncrasy, wooden-leg, wig, glass eye or inferiority complex. These things belong to another type of story altogether, very moving and appealing, but far away from this one, the story of individual limitation and its comedy and tragedy. Our hero is to be a man without frustrations. He is to be yourself and myself as we would like to be, simplified, clear in his mind, unencumbered and going directly to his objective…"

Über H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) wrote the science fiction classics The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and The War of the Worlds, and has often been heralded as a father of modern science fiction.


Good Press




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