The Portent and Other Stories

George MacDonald

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Beschreibung zu „The Portent and Other Stories“

George MacDonald's 'The Portent and Other Stories' is a collection of allegorical tales that reflect the author's mastery of weaving moral and spiritual concepts into engaging narratives. With a writing style reminiscent of fairy tales, MacDonald explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the human condition. Each story is rich in symbolism and offers readers a deeper insight into the complexities of life as seen through a fantastical lens. Set in a Victorian literary context, MacDonald's work stands out for its imaginative storytelling and profound philosophical undertones. George MacDonald, a Scottish author and poet, was known for his contribution to the fantasy genre and his influence on writers such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. His Christian beliefs and pastoral background shaped his writing, making his works not only entertaining but also spiritually enlightening. 'The Portent and Other Stories' showcases MacDonald's ability to blend imaginative storytelling with profound moral messages, making it a captivating read for those interested in allegorical literature. I highly recommend 'The Portent and Other Stories' to readers who appreciate thought-provoking narratives that delve into metaphysical and moral themes. George MacDonald's collection of stories is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its deep insights and enchanting storytelling.


Good Press




ca. 250





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