Little Brown Jug

George M. Baker

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Beschreibung zu „Little Brown Jug“

'Little Brown Jug' is a three-act play penned by George M. Baker. The first act begins with John, one of the main characters, having a conversation with Jarius and his son Will. John believes that there's nothing like a steady indoor work life to give a man a position in the world and that farmers and shoemakers are the ones who keep the world running. Jarius responds by saying that Will has the city fever and wants to try his fortune among the money-catchers. Will also confirms that he is tired of being a shoemaker and wants to see the world and use his wits. Jarius agrees with Will, saying that he is "a lively young colt" and it's a shame he can't have a "prance in the city."


Good Press




ca. 54





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