Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot

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Beschreibung zu „Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War“

'Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War' by Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot provides an insightful and fascinating look into the evolution of air warfare. Talbot delves into the military use of aircraft, including captive balloons and Germany's rise to military airship supremacy, and the aerial dreadnought fleet. Talbot covers topics such as scouting from the skies, the airman and artillery, bomb-throwing from aircraft, and battles in the air. He also includes chapters on tricks and ruses to baffle the airman, anti-aircraft guns, mining the air, wireless in aviation, and aircraft and naval operations. This book provides an invaluable historical perspective on the use of the fourth arm, and how the use of aircraft has revolutionized warfare, making it an indispensable part of military strategy.


Good Press




ca. 178





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