The Man In The High-Water Boots

Francis Hopkinson Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Man In The High-Water Boots“

The Man In The High-Water Boots is a short story by Francis Hopkinson Smith. Smith was an American writer, painter and engineer who constructed the foundation for the Statue of Liberty. Excerpt: "The first swoop was along the sea, a whirl into Houlgate, a mad dash through the village, dogs and chickens running for dear life, and out again with the deadly rush of a belated wild goose hurrying to a southern clime. Our host sat beside the chauffeur, who looked like the demon in a ballet in his goggles and skull-cap. The Man from the Quarter and I crouched on the rear seats, our eyes on the turn of the road ahead. What we had left behind, or what might be on either side of us was of no moment; what would come around that far-distant curve a mile away and a minute off was what troubled us. The demon and the Sculptor were as cool as the captain and first mate on the bridge of a liner in a gale; the Man from the Quarter stared doggedly ahead; I was too scared for scenery and too proud to ask the Sculptor to slow down, so I thought of my sins and slowly murmured, "Now I lay me."


Good Press




ca. 15





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