An Outcast; or, virtue and faith

Francis Colburn Adams

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Beschreibung zu „An Outcast; or, virtue and faith“

An Outcast; or, Virtue and Faith by Francis Colburn Adams is about the lives of Master Tom and Julia Matilda during the United States Civil War. Excerpt: "When reason and conscience are a man's true guides to what he undertakes, and he acts strictly in obedience to them, he has little to fear from what the unthinking may say. You cannot, I hold, mistake a man intent only on doing good. You may differ with him on the means he calls to his aid; but having formed a distinct plan, and carried it out in obedience to truth and right, it will be difficult to impugn the sincerity of his motives. For myself, I care not what weapon a man chooses so long as he wields it effectively, and in the cause of humanity and justice."


Good Press




ca. 350





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