a Pledge of Union

Part 1 of the Caladon series

Fia Helleberg Jonny Helleberg

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Beschreibung zu „a Pledge of Union“

A romantic fantasy adventure full of magic, creatures, and passion

Virion is a powerful fae lord from the country of Caladon,
who has come to the human realm in order to form an alliance with great house.
Ariana is the outcast in the family, the only one born without magical abilities.
She does not thrive within the confines of convention, and as Virion begins to spend more of his time with her, things get complicated.


When Ariana finds herself in the mythical land of Caladon, filled with magic and terrifying creatures, she realizes that there is more to things than she'd realized.
When the creatures start to behave strangely, and rumors of attacks from her homeland reaches her, Ariana suddenly finds herself in the eye of the storm.
Things escalate, and she struggles with the mysteries as her relationship with Virion becomes deeper and more complicated.

Part 1 of the Caladon series


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