Economics. Premium Collection. Illustrated

The Wealth of Nations, Capital, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money and others

Karl Marx Adam Smith John Maynard Keynes David Ricardo Alfred Marshall

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Beschreibung zu „Economics. Premium Collection. Illustrated“

Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices about how to allocate resources.
Economics can generally be broken down into macroeconomics, which concentrates on the behavior of the economy as a whole, and microeconomics, which focuses on individual people and businesses.
The founding of modern Western economics generally credited to the publication of Scottish philosopher Adam Smith's 1776 book, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
In this book, the classic works of the founders of economic theory are selected.
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by David Ricardo
Capital by Karl Marx
Principles of Economics by Alfred Marshall
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by John Maynard Keynes

Über Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx, (Tréveris, reino de Prusia, 1818 ? Londres, reino Unido, 1883), filósofo, intelectual y militante comunista alemán de origen judío. En su vasta e influyente obra, se adentró en los campos de la filosofía, la historia, la ciencia política, la sociología y la economía; aunque no limitó su trabajo solamente al área intelectual, pues además trabajó en el campo del periodismo y la política proponiendo en su pensamiento la unión de la teoría y la práctica. Junto a Friedrich Engels, es el padre del socialismo científico, del comunismo moderno y del marxismo. Sus escritos más conocidos son el Manifiesto del Partido Comunista (en coautoría con Engels) y El Capital.


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