The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete

Émile Zola

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"The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete" by Émile Zola
Pierre Froment is the main character, who, having lost all faith, decides to devote himself to charity for the poorest in the world without success. He then opposes his chemist and anarchist brother, the inventor of a new high-powered explosive, who wants to change the world with the use of terror and violence, leading the hero to understand the need for a new way of organizing society to fight poverty. Zola also paints a picture of the Paris of money, politics, and pleasure, as opposed to the extreme poverty that leads to anarchy.

Über Émile Zola

Émile Zola (1840–1902) was a novelist, playwright and journalist, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism and an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism. Thérèse Raquin was Zola's first major work, originally published in serial format in 1867 and – due to its huge and immediate popularity – in book format in 1868. Zola was nominated for both the first and second Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901 and 1902.


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