Beach Access

A passionate love affair at the beach


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Beschreibung zu „Beach Access“

What better way to spend a hot summer day than to have a beach picnic? What to outsiders might look like two people in love is in fact a man and his sultry affair, who with her red sundress, lipstick, and painted toenails knows just how to wrap him around her finger. They have an arrangement: He provides her an avenue to fulfill her fantasies of having an affair with a married man while she provides him with opportunities to feel alive again in the face of the dull, predictable sex life with his wife.

And so the story goes – with the sun hot on their skin and the waves softly crashing against the cliffs, it's not long until the sexual tension and chemistry get the better of them. As he teases her with the neck of a beer bottle, he finds she's gone commando… but right then, someone approaches, forcing the two to keep it together for just a while longer.

"Beach Access" by Embouchure & VV is a sensual and playful story for lovers. If you haven't discovered or lived out your public sex kink yet – this story might just spark it for you.


Berlinable GmbH




ca. 19





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