The Acts of the Apostles

Ellen Gould White

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Beschreibung zu „The Acts of the Apostles“

Ellen G. White's 'The Acts of the Apostles' is a seminal work that delves into the early beginnings of Christianity as outlined in the New Testament. White's comprehensive narrative skillfully captures the historical events and religious fervor that characterized the apostolic era. Her vivid portrayal of the missions, miracles, and challenges faced by the disciples provides readers with a deep understanding of the growth of the Christian faith during the first century. Written in a clear and engaging style, White's book bridges the gap between historical account and spiritual insight, making it a vital resource for any scholar or enthusiast of early Christian history. 'The Acts of the Apostles' offers a valuable literary contribution that continues to inspire readers to explore the roots of their faith with a discerning lens.


Good Press




ca. 453





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