The Miller Of Old Church

Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow

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Beschreibung zu „The Miller Of Old Church“

Ellen Glasgow's "The Miller Of Old Church" is a poignant novel set in the rural Virginia of the 19th century, exploring themes of tradition, social change, and the complexities of human relationships. Glasgow's writing style is characterized by its attention to detail and vivid descriptions, immersing the reader in the world she creates. The novel is situated within the literary context of American Realism, showcasing Glasgow's ability to capture the nuances of everyday life and societal dynamics. The story follows the struggles of the Miller family as they navigate the challenges of a changing world, highlighting the tension between old traditions and new ideas. Glasgow's complex characters and intricate plot reflect her deep understanding of human nature and the complexities of the human experience. As a pioneer of Southern literature, Glasgow's work sheds light on the cultural and social landscape of the American South during a transformative period in history. "The Miller Of Old Church" is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intricacies of human relationships and the impact of societal change on individual lives.


Good Press




ca. 331





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