The Squire's Story (Unabridged)

Elizabeth Gaskell

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Beschreibung zu „The Squire's Story (Unabridged)“

Set between 1769 and 1775, The Squire's Story tells the tale of a new arrival to the Derbyshire town of Barford. This gentleman's name is Mr Robinson Higgins and he quickly takes up residency is the grandest home in the area, The White House. Where his money has come from, none know, but every few months he disappears. He claims to travel down south to go and collect his rents, but he always goes alone.
On the outside, Mr Higgins is everything a popular man is expected to be. He is a good rider, can tell good stories and plays jokes on those who he knows he can get away with. Everyone seems to like. He even ends up marrying Squire Hearn's only daughter.

Über Elizabeth Gaskell

Elizabeth Gaskell nació en Londres en 1810 y al casarse se estableció en Manchester, en los inicios de la revolución industrial. El choque con esta sociedad quedaría reflejado en varias de sus novelas, especialmente en Norte y Sur (1855; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. XXIV). En 1857 publicó Vida de Charlotte Brontë (ALBA CLÁSICA BIOGRAFÍAS, núm. IV). Otras obras de Gaskell son Cranford (1851-1853, ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. XLII), Cuentos góticos (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XCIV), Los amores de Sylvia (1863) e Hijas y esposas (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. XLII), cuyos últimos capítulos dejaría sin concluir a su muerte, en 1865).

Gelesen von:

Rachel Clarke






41 Min.





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