From sketch-book and diary

Elizabeth Butler

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Beschreibung zu „From sketch-book and diary“

'From sketch-book and diary' by Elizabeth Butler unveils a compilation of travel sketches and personal reflections from various corners of the world. In the mystical West of Ireland, she immerses readers in the enchanting landscapes of Glanaragh and the vibrant County Mayo of 1905. Venturing to Egypt, Butler takes us on a mesmerizing expedition through the bustling streets of Cairo, along the majestic waters of the Upper Nile, and into the historic city of Alexandria. Her odyssey continues to the picturesque Cape, recounting the scenic voyage to the Cape Colony's Rosebank. Italy beckons next, as Butler shares the allure of Tuscany's vintage season, the charm of Siena and Perugia, and the awe-inspiring presence of Vesuvius. Finally, the journey culminates in the eternal city of Rome. This collection of writings offers a tapestry of rich experiences and cultural encounters, capturing the essence of each destination with an artist's eye and a traveler's heart.


Good Press




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