Children of the Night

Edwin Arlington Robinson

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Beschreibung zu „Children of the Night“

"Children of the Night '' is a collection of poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson a Pulitzer-winning American Poet. Its content includes: The Children of the Night - Three Quatrains - The World - An Old Story - Ballade of a Ship - Ballade by the Fire - Ballade of Broken Flutes - Ballade of Dead Friends - Her Eyes - Two Men - Villanelle of Change - John Evereldown - Luke Havergal - The House on the Hill - Richard Cory - Two Octaves - Calvary - Dear Friends - The Story of Ashes and the Flame - For Some Poem by Mathew Arnold - Amaryllis - Kosmos - Zola - The Piety of Leaves - Aaron Stark - The Garden - Cliff Klingenhagen - Charles Carvilles - Eyes -The Dead Village - Boston - Two Sonnets - The Clarks- Fleming Helphenstine - For a Book by Thomas Hardy -Thomas Hardy - The Miracle - Horace to Lueconoe - Rueben Bright - The Alter - The Tavern - Sonnet-George Crabbe-Credo- On the Night of a Friend Wedding - Sonnet-Verlaine - Sonnet-Supremacy - The Night Before - Walt Whitman - The Chorus of Old Men in " Aegeus"- The Wilderness - Octaves - Two Quatrains.


Good Press




ca. 44





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