Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men

Edward William Bok

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Beschreibung zu „Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men“

This book explores what success is for a young man. In this book, the author opines that the average young man is apt to think that success is not for him. To his mind, it is a gift to the few, not to the many. "The rich, the fortunate—they are the only people who can be successful," is the way one young fellow recently expressed it to me, and he thought as many do. It is this wrong conception of success that this book aims to remove. It has no other purpose than to show that success—and the truest and best success—is possible to any young man of honorable motives. The subject is not new. All that is hoped for from this book is that it may have for young men a certain sense of nearness to their own lives and thoughts, from the fact that it is not written by a patriarch whose young manhood is far behind him. It is written to young men by a young man to whom the noise of the battle is not a recollection, but an everyday living reality. He thinks he knows what a fight for success means to a young fellow, and he writes with the smoke of the battle around him and from the very thick of the fight.


Good Press




ca. 76





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