Armenia immolata

Edward Strieby Steele

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Beschreibung zu „Armenia immolata“

Armenia immolate is a moving poem dealing with the Armenian question and the sacrifices made by Armenians. The Armenian question was a debate following the Congress of Berlin in 1878 on how the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire should be treated. After that, the term became commonplace among diplomatic groups and the press. In simple terms, the Armenian question referred to Armenians' safety and independence from their neighboring communities. In addition, the Armenian question described the 40 years of Armenian–Ottoman history in the context of English, German, and Russian politics between 1877 and 1914. Finally, in 1915, the Committee of Union and Progress decided to terminate the Armenian question permanently by massacring and expelling most Armenians from the empire in the Armenian genocide.
The writer did a remarkable job putting his thoughts and emotions into words. His writing style prompts several readers' sentiments, keeping them connected with him till the end.


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