Multiplied Blessings: Eighteen Short Readings

Edward Hoare

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Beschreibung zu „Multiplied Blessings: Eighteen Short Readings“

Multiplied Blessings: Eighteen Short Readings is a religious book by Rev. Edward Hoare. Hoare was an Irish Anglican priest and author, here communicating and analyzing the meanings behind short blessings. Excerpt: "It is not my business now to make any attempt to prove the divinity of our Blessed Redeemer, for I take it for granted that we all admit the great truths of Christianity. What I desire now to do is to point out that, if saved at all, we are saved by a Person, and that that Person is divine. The Lord Jesus Christ is a personal Saviour, and as a personal Saviour, saves us from the death of sin. It is as much a personal act as when a bold swimmer leaps into the ocean and saves a drowning man."


Good Press




ca. 78





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