The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it?

Edward Burbidge

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Beschreibung zu „The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it?“

There is nothing new in the following pages; except it be that they call popular attention to facts which have been commonly recognised only by scholars. The author's object has been to provide an answer to two questions: (1) What did our Blessed Lord teach about His Church in His discourses? and (2) what is meant by the words of the Creed, "The Holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints?" May these pages help men to gain an intelligent knowledge of that Kingdom, into which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has called us. May they lead many to desire the fulfillment of His last prayer for us before His Passion, "That they all may be one." And may every word in this little book, which is not in accordance with God's will, be pardoned, and overruled to His Glory.


Good Press




ca. 97





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