The Trails of Ifigenia

Eduardo Garcia Aguilar

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Beschreibung zu „The Trails of Ifigenia“

Sensitive, intelligent and independent, Ifigenia Botero blazes her own trails through the cultural confines of Colombia during the 1960s snd '70s. Narrated through the memories of her lovestruck neighbor that are set against the backdrop of urban slums and guerrilla camps in the mountains, The Trails of Ifigenia recounts the sexual, sentimental, artistic and political education of a generation that came of age after a period wrought with violence. This novel is a celebration of bearded revolutionaries and peace-and-love hippies, the literature of the Latin American boom and clumsy young poets, rock and salsa, space travel and forest paths. And just wait until the last sentence.

Eduardo Garcia Aguilar (Manizales, Colombia, 1953) is a novelist, poet and journalsit. His works translated into English include the novels The Triumphant Voyage and Boulevard of Heroes, the collection of short stories Luminous Cities, and the critical examination of globalism Mexico Madness: Manifesto for a Disenchanted Generation. A self-described professiona foreigner, he currently lives in Paris, where he is a special correpsondent and editor for Agence France-Presse.

"The best way to get into literature, its foibles and its direction, is to live it. This is precisely what Eduardo Garcia Aguilar lets us do..." Gregory Rabassa (translator of One Hundred Years of Solitude)






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