The Crown of Thorns: A Token for the Sorrowing

E. H. Chapin

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Beschreibung zu „The Crown of Thorns: A Token for the Sorrowing“

"The Crown of Thorns: A Token for the Sorrowing" is an inspirational book drawing on the life of Jesus Christ, particularly his suffering at the cross. Author E. H. Chapin describes his intent as, "To the sorrowing, then, this little volume is tendered, with the author's sympathy and affection. Upon its pages he has poured out some of the sentiments of his own heartfelt experience, knowing that they will find a response in theirs, and hoping that the book may do a work of consolation and of healing. If it impresses upon any the general sentiment which it contains,—the sentiment of religious resignation and triumph in affliction; if it shall cause any tearful vision to take the Christian view of sorrow; if it shall teach any troubled soul to endure and hope… I shall be richly rewarded…"


Good Press




ca. 110





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