Art in England: Notes and Studies

Dutton Cook

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Beschreibung zu „Art in England: Notes and Studies“

'Art in England: Notes and Studies' by Dutton Cook is a collection of biographical studies and excerpts chronicling the nation's art history. While not a formal history, Cook's carefully selected materials highlight the lives and influence of artists who may be less renowned but were of mark in their periods. Readers will be drawn in by the stories of artists who played significant roles in shaping the character and progress of art in England. Cook's book is a valuable tool for students and the general public alike, shedding light on the struggles, trials, troubles, and successes of England's past art scene and its relevance to its present and future. From early art schools to the Royal Academy, from Hogarth to Turner and Ruskin, this book provides a glimpse into the past that informs the present.


Good Press




ca. 255





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