London in 1731

Don Manoel Gonzales Manoel Don Gonzales

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Beschreibung zu „London in 1731“

Manoel Don Gonzales' book 'London in 1731' provides a captivating glimpse into the social and cultural landscape of London during the early 18th century. Through meticulous research and vivid descriptions, Gonzales paints a detailed picture of daily life in the bustling city, from the bustling street markets to the elegant ballrooms of the upper class. The book is written in a highly descriptive and evocative style that immerses the reader in the sights, sounds, and smells of London in 1731, making it a valuable resource for historians and literature enthusiasts alike. Gonzales' work stands out as a vivid portrayal of a crucial period in London's history, capturing the essence of the city during a time of rapid growth and change. The author's keen eye for detail and deep understanding of the period shine through in every page, making 'London in 1731' a must-read for anyone interested in the history and culture of London.


Good Press




ca. 118





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