Curious Fatima and the slumber party mystery

Dimitri Gilles

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Beschreibung zu „Curious Fatima and the slumber party mystery“

Curious Fatima's Overnight Adventure" is a tale of exploration, imagination, and fun. Fatima, an inquisitive and adventurous girl, is invited to a slumber party at her friend Juliet's house. In the middle of the night, a strange noise from the attic awakens her curiosity. Ignoring her parents' advice to respect others' privacy, Fatima decides to investigate the source of the sound. What follows is a night-long adventure where Fatima discovers forgotten treasures, an unfinished painting, old comic books, vintage clothes, and a shoebox full of memories. Instead of causing mischief, she adds to the attic's charm, finishes the painting, writes in the storybook, and even puts on a puppet show for herself. In the end, Fatima falls asleep in the attic, her dreams full of the stories she discovered and created.









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