The Bride of Fort Edward: Founded on an Incident of the Revolution

Delia Salter Bacon

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Beschreibung zu „The Bride of Fort Edward: Founded on an Incident of the Revolution“

The story presented in these dialogues is closely intertwined with a well-known crisis in the national history of the country. As a matter of fact, it is a fragment of the historical record that is deeply embedded in the earliest recollections of the people. However, the significance of the story lies not only in its historical relevance but also in the universal truth it conveys. The story illustrates a law in the relationship between the human mind and its invisible protector and emphasizes the apparent sacrifice of an individual for the betterment of the entire race. Therefore, it is in this context that the author seeks the indulgent attention of the readers, and not simply as a portrayal of historical events.


Good Press




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