The Cost

David Graham Phillips

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Beschreibung zu „The Cost“

In 'The Cost' by David Graham Phillips, the author explores the societal pressures and moral dilemmas faced by a young protagonist as he navigates the corrupt world of politics and business. The novel, written in a realist style, incorporates elements of naturalism and social criticism, highlighting the harsh realities of power and ambition. Phillips' vivid descriptions and introspective narrative provide a glimpse into the darker side of American society during the early 20th century. The book serves as a commentary on the cost of success and the compromises individuals make in pursuit of their goals. David Graham Phillips, a journalist and writer known for his investigative journalism and social reform advocacy, drew inspiration for 'The Cost' from his own experiences observing the political landscape of his time. His work often challenged authority and shed light on the injustices prevalent in society, making him a prominent figure in the Progressive Era. Recommended for readers interested in historical fiction and social critique, 'The Cost' offers a thought-provoking look at the impact of ambition and power on individuals and society at large.


Good Press




ca. 223





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