St. Mawr

D H Lawrence

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Beschreibung zu „St. Mawr“

Lou Witt is twenty-five years old, not beautiful, but her knowledge of foreign languages and her gypsy vagabond air make her attractive. Her encounter with a Welsh thoroughbred horse, St. Mawr, changes her fortunes. One day, Lou decides to leave her marriage and cynical post-war England behind her and, together with her mother, a woman with a stubborn and not at all meek personality, to reach a remote ranch in the mountains of New Mexico. Accompanying the two protagonists will be Lewis, a rough-around-the-edges stableman who won't let anything stand in his way. Written in the summer of 1924, while Lawrence was on the American ranch he bought with his wife, "St. Mawr" is considered one of the small masterpieces in which the author managed to infuse all his desire for adventure and freedom.


Good Press




ca. 172





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