The Lonely Warrior

Claude Carlos Washburn

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Beschreibung zu „The Lonely Warrior“

"The Lonely Warrior" is the tale of a young man's return home after World War I, and the struggles he goes through in his quest to rebuild his former life. Stacey Caroll has everything a young man could want in life. The son of a wealthy businessman, a budding career as an architect, engaged to a beautiful young woman and enough friends. But when the War comes, much to the chagrin of his father, Stacey enlists and is sent off to fight. Four years later, Stacey is among the lucky few who return alive and unharmed. At least unharmed physically. His return home reveals that mentally, he is not the same man who left. And as he seeks out his friend Phil Blair, the past memories of their previous encounter are rekindled…


Good Press




ca. 291





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