And Yet...

A Sunday Times Bestseller

Christopher Hitchens

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Beschreibung zu „And Yet...“

Sunday Times bestseller
And Yet... gathers the previously uncollected essays of the late Christopher Hitchens into a final volume of peerless prose from one of the great thinkers of our times.
Christopher Hitchens was an unparalleled, prolific writer, who raised the polemical essay to a new art form, over a lifetime of thinking and debating the defining issues of our times. As an essayist he contributed to the New Statesman, Atlantic Monthly, London Review of Books, TLS and Vanity Fair. Any publication of a volume of Hitchens' essays was a major event on both sides of the Atlantic. Now comes a volume of Hitchens' previously uncollected essays, covering the themes that define Hitchens the thinker: literature, religion and politics. These essays remind us, once more, of the fierce, brilliant and trenchant voice of Christopher Hitchens.

Über Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens, geboren 1949 im englischen Portsmouth, war als Buchautor und Auslandskorrespondent, Essayist, Literaturkritiker und Dozent tätig. Er schrieb regelmäßig u.a. für die New York Times, Slate, Vanity Fair und das Wall Street Journal. 2007 erschien sein Buch "Der Herr ist kein Hirte" im Blessing Verlag, 2011 sein Essay "Der Feind". Am 15. Dezember 2011 erlag Christopher Hitchens einer langen Krankheit.


Atlantic Books




ca. 310





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