The Disappearance of Kimball Webb

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Disappearance of Kimball Webb“

"Kimball Webb didn't look at all like a man who would disappear mysteriously. Though I'm not sure mysteriously disappearing men, as a class, have physical characteristics in common. But one rather imagines them eerie looking, with deep, cavernous eyes and hollow cheeks. Kimball Webb had nothing of the sort. He was a bit distinguished looking, but that was because he was a New Englander by birth, and a playwright by profession and had won the D. S. C. in the late war. Now, though a lame knee interfered slightly with his outdoor pursuits, his mind was alert and eager to return to work and his brain was fairly bursting with new ideas for his plays. First, however, he must needs attend to a certain business of getting married. A delightful business it seemed to Webb, for Elsie Powell was as lovely and desirable in the flesh as she had looked to him when seen in his troubled dreams in far off France…" 'The Disappearance of Kimball Webb' is a mystery novel about a playwright's disappearance on the day of his wedding, leaving the bride embarrassed. All fingers point to his sister Henrietta, who had shown opposition to the marriage…


Good Press




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