Murder in the Bookshop

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Murder in the Bookshop“

Carolyn Wells' book 'Murder in the Bookshop' is a classic mystery novel set in a quaint bookstore where a murder takes place. The book intricately weaves together elements of suspense, intrigue, and wit, keeping the reader engaged until the very end. Wells' writing style is characterized by her clever use of dialogue and her ability to create a captivating atmosphere that brings the story to life. Published in 1936, 'Murder in the Bookshop' is a noteworthy contribution to the mystery genre of that time, showcasing Wells' talent for crafting compelling narratives that stand the test of time. Carolyn Wells, known for her extensive literary work in various genres, drew inspiration for this book from her love of books and her fascination with the mystery genre. Her attention to detail and skillful storytelling make 'Murder in the Bookshop' a must-read for fans of classic mysteries and those interested in the works of prolific women writers of the early 20th century.


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