Untouchable Confidence

Overcome Anxiety, Thrive in Your Relationships, Conquer Panic, Rapid Relief from Toxic Stress, Release Fear & Intrusive Thoughts

Carl Zimmerman

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Beschreibung zu „Untouchable Confidence“

What would you be like if no other person could shatter your confidence?
What would you do? Where would you go?

If you feel like fear and anxiety have some power over you, this will be the most important book you read this year.

Why not choose to live the next part of your life fear-free.

People with confidence are no better than you, it certainly doesn’t require talent to be confident.

We have all seen 14-year olds with confidence, so it can’t be anything to do with wisdom or intelligence.

Confident people think and act slightly differently, the ideas they adopt are easily acquired but very few do, the masses of humanity feel negative emotions wash over them on a daily basis.

Inside you will discover:

Why both optimism and pessimism can work against you.

Use your past to save yourself from present stressors

How a tiny shift in your attitude frees up a lot of wasted mental energy

Find out why everyone’s beliefs about society create, some self-harm

Find out when confidence can hurt you

And Much, Much More…

How many doors will you turn away from due to a lack of confidence?

How many of the things you want to do will remain dreams if you don’t make some changes?

How many risks will not be taken towards the things you really want to do?

If you don’t take back control of the feelings of panic, the sweaty hands, and all the negative talk inside your head you will be tormented by these things again and again.

All the practices we teach in the book are simple and easy to follow, they are made for people of all ages. None of what is taught in the book is a gimmick, trick, or hack type of strategy, those short-term moves don’t last.

Some of the advice has been practiced for thousands of years by the elites in almost all societies, Kings, business titans, leaders of all types.

I hope you take a chance and change your life for the better.

You can do this.

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