The Man

Bram Stoker

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Beschreibung zu „The Man“

"The Man" by Bram Stoker is a gothic novel that incorporates elements of horror and romance. It portrays the coming-of-age journey of a young girl named Stephen who grows up in rural England during the 19th Century. The story focuses on Stephen's relationships with her two main love interests and their adventure overseas while delving into the ups and downs of growing up and Stephen's bond with her aunt.
The story will leave readers on the edge of their seats with its haunting atmosphere and mysterious characters.

Über Bram Stoker

Abraham “Bram” Stoker (1847-1912), an Irish novelist, surprisingly never visited Eastern Europe, the setting for his most famous and widely read work Dracula (1897). Stoker, known during his lifetime as the acting and then business manager of the famous Henry Irving’s Lyceum Theatre, is now best remembered as a writer of Gothic horror fiction.


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