A History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day

Bayard Taylor

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Beschreibung zu „A History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day“

Bayard Taylor's 'A History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day' provides a comprehensive narrative of Germany's rich history, including events up until the late 1800s. Taylor's meticulous research and skillful storytelling provide readers with a clear understanding of Germany's past, from the ancient Germans to the establishment of the German Empire. TWhile originally designed for use in schools, the book's engaging writing style and breadth of knowledge make it a must-read for anyone interested in German history. Taylor's aim was to create a continuous narrative that preserves a distinct line of connection from century to century, and he achieved just that. Dive into Germany's fascinating past and discover the significant role this country has played in shaping the world we live in today.


Good Press




ca. 513





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