The Heart of a Woman

Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy Emmuska Orczy Baroness Orczy

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Beschreibung zu „The Heart of a Woman“

"The Heart of a Woman," by Baroness Orczy, describes the murder of two young men, one in Brussels and one in London, each in a carriage with a stiletto through the throat. In the latter case, the murder weapon, a stiletto stick, is unmistakably Luke's, and he is recognized to have argued with the victim in a club just before. Luke is defending his elderly Uncle Radclyffe, a surrogate father to him, who had also killed twice to protect the inheritance of the only member of the family's younger generation that Radclyffe cares for - Luke. Radclyffe becomes terminally ill before he can explain his actions or motives to anyone. Will Louisa, Luke's beloved fiance defend him after he is charged with murder?


Good Press




ca. 236





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