What Will He Do with It? — Complete

Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton

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Beschreibung zu „What Will He Do with It? — Complete“

'What Will He Do with It? — Complete' is a novel that begins at a summer fair in a village in Surrey. Music is playing on every side, and the atmosphere is lively and joyful. Two young men recently arrived in the village, together with the fair. One is in his mid-twenties and has a well-shaped head, hazel eyes, deep auburn hair, and an earnest nose. He is wearing a black velveteen jacket, a mustache, and an imperial vest. The other is around seventeen, with a lithe, vigorous frame, and a boyish bloom on his face. He has chestnut hair that inclines to curl, clear dark-blue eyes fringed with long ebon lashes, and lips that show exquisitely white and even teeth. His dress is peculiar, with a broad-brimmed straw hat, a dark-green jacket, white trousers, and a waistcoat.


Good Press




ca. 962





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