Devereux — Complete

Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton

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Beschreibung zu „Devereux — Complete“

'Devereux - Complete' is an autobiographical novel that follows the life of Morton Devereux, whose birth and parentage couldn't be more different from the end of things. The story begins with his grandfather, a noble old knight, whose posterity was left with no titles but the estate. Devereux's father joined the armies of Louis XIV, while his uncle went up to court to be knighted by Charles II, flirted with Nell Gwynne, lost double the value of his brother's portion, and eventually retired to the country in disgust and gout. When Devereux and his two brothers moved in with their uncle, he soon grew fond of them, hoping to find an heir. However, Devereux struggled to find his place, being the least good-looking and the least intelligent of the three brothers.


Good Press




ca. 524





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