The Nephews

A Play, in Five Acts

August Wilhelm Iffland

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Beschreibung zu „The Nephews“

'The Nephews' is a five-act play written by August Wilhelm Iffland. The first act begins as Lewis and the Counsellor are discussing their relationships with women. The Counsellor is worried about gaining weight, and Lewis is concerned about his relationship with Miss Drave. The Counsellor says that Lewis's guardian and the whole family are stiff and difficult to please. Lewis says that his guardian is a sour misanthrope and is a friend of the Counsellor's brother, who is continually defaming him. The Counsellor asks about the clause in Lewis's father's will that states if one son turns out to be a prodigal, the other will be declared their tutor. Lewis says he is aware of the clause and is worried about his serious guardian trying to enforce it.


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ca. 56





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