Rambles in Cuba


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Beschreibung zu „Rambles in Cuba“

"Rambles in Cuba" is a historical travelogue of Cuba. Some notable topics included in the book are In the Tropics—First View of Havana—Entering the Bay—Surrounded—Landed—A Street in Havana—"Queen's Hotel"—A Breakfast—The Harbor—The Coolies—The Plaza de Armas—Cuban Women—etc.
"THE first dawn of day found me already on deck, to assure myself we had really arrived at the shores of a tropical-world.
I was not disenchanted. A mist had possessed, like a dream, the blue quiet of the entire bay, half dissolving its masts and sails, softening the picturesque battlements of Morro Castle, throwing over the walls, domes, and spires of the city an air of hoary distance so complete that I half fancied those solitary palm-trees waved their arms over some city half-buried in the mirage of deserts, or the pages of some mediæval romance.
But the dream departs, and so must we. Stirring music from the two men-of-war lying at anchor unite with the first sounds from the long, low barracks close by, and with the signal guns from the Morro, to say that the sun has risen, and consequently we may go on shore."


Good Press




ca. 95





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