Ladies Must Live

Alice Duer Miller

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Beschreibung zu „Ladies Must Live“

Ladies Must Live is a novella by Alice Duer Miller. Miller was an American novelist and poet, here telling a story of the people and personalities in high society New York during the early 20th century. Excerpt: "She had thought, lightly enough, that everything was settled the evening before on the stairs when she had made up her mind that he would do. But with all her belief in herself, she was not unaware even then that unforeseen obstacles might arise. He might be secretly engaged for all she knew to the contrary. But now she felt quite sure of him. With Fate playing into her hands like this—with romance and adventure and the possibilities of an uninterrupted tête-à-tête, she knew she could have him if she wanted him. And the point was that she did. At least she supposed she did. She felt as many a young man feels when he lands his first job—triumphant, but conscious of lost freedoms."


Good Press




ca. 122





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