The business career in its public relations

Albert Shaw

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Beschreibung zu „The business career in its public relations“

Albert Shaw's 'The Business Career in its Public Relations' delves deeply into the intricacies of public relations in the business world, exploring its significance and impact on corporate success. Written in a scholarly tone with a focus on practical insights, Shaw's work provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of how businesses can effectively manage their public image. This book stands out for its meticulous research and clear writing style, making it accessible to both students and professionals interested in the field of public relations. Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, Shaw's analysis of the evolving role of public relations in business offers valuable lessons that remain relevant today. As a prominent figure in the field of journalism and public affairs, Shaw's expertise and experience shine through in his thoughtful examination of this critical aspect of business operations. 'The Business Career in its Public Relations' is a must-read for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the dynamic relationship between business and public perception.


Good Press




ca. 30





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