Founder's Day in War Time

Adolphus William Ward

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Beschreibung zu „Founder's Day in War Time“

Founder's Day in War Time, written by Adolphus William Ward, is a poignant novel that delves into the challenges faced by a small town during wartime. The book perfectly captures the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear that permeates the community as it celebrates its Founder's Day amidst the chaos of conflict. Ward's literary style is marked by meticulous attention to detail and vivid descriptions, transporting the reader to the heart of the town's struggles. The novel is a powerful commentary on the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity, making it a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction set in wartime scenarios. Ward masterfully weaves together themes of duty, sacrifice, and community, creating a narrative that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. Founder's Day in War Time is a testament to Ward's skill as a writer and his ability to capture the essence of human experience in times of crisis. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in exploring the impact of war on local communities and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.


Good Press




ca. 23





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